I'm The Last One Standing

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My friend had a heavy heart. She is usually not so transparent. I could feel it. "What's wrong", I asked. She told me. Her fiance told her, "All my life, I have been giving myself to others. This time, I am going to finally get mine in return". In recent months he had changed a lot. She had also changed.

As with any, I knew she was looking forward to her wedding day. A day of special hopes and dreams of their future.  Aren't brides are supposed to dream? They had planned for their wedding to be on a beach. Then that changed when he changed it. He told her, "I consider us married". Their wedding dates kept being pushed forward, time and time again.

With time, my friend had become withdrawn. "I gave my best, but my best wasn't good enough", she said. "It's over, I can't give any more". She said to me to, "I know I can love again, but I don't want to, I can't.  It's not worth it".

It's not worth it, I ask? My thoughts bring me to my own life. I have dated a few people over the last several months. There are many that try to entice me with false promises. Promises they can't keep. While their lies permeate the air, their lips move with a new direction. More lies. I know lots of friends who are lied to. Just like me.

I, too, have a heart. I, too, want to be in love. Actually, I am in love. I wonder if he can feel it on the breath of the wind? I wonder if he dreams about me? Does he dream about his bull riding days or trucking days?
I catch myself looking into every JB Hunt truck. Is it him? I dream of him. I miss him. I love him.

It's not worth it? I'm cowboy dreaming. Of those I know, I'm the last one standing.