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You smiled and said to me one night, "That Smile Is Going To Get You In Trouble One Of These Days"! I smiled back at you and said, "I Think It Already Has"!

I will never forget you, Cowboy Steve! I loved your Cop attitude and your Cowboy walk, you had it all! I am amazed by how well we talked with just our eyes! You made my long nights at the Casino so much fun.

I enjoyed your bullriding stories, you talked about them with such passion. It made me wish I had experienced those wonderful times with you. You had amazing stories about your days as a Brown County Sheriff. Thank You for sharing them with me.

Keep walking like you have those guns on your hips my Friend! You are very Special to me. I have been Blessed by your Friendship! You are the reason why I don't hate Kansas. I left my Heart On The Breath Of The Wind, I hope you feel it everyday against your face, may the wind remind you of the Love, I Feel For You!