You Have Touched My Life Windy Boy

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Windy Boy, You have Blessed me with your Friendship. You have touched my Heart and warmed my Soul with your desire to bring me back in touch with my Native Ways.  Thank You for sharing your Night at the Sugarland Concert with me. Thank You for sharing the Music in the Park with me and the awesome pictures of the stormy sky, made it a magical night.  You have been a very Special Friend to me and words can't express how awesome you make me feel.  Thank You Great Spirit for allowing Jim and my Path To Cross and for all the Wonderful Blessings our Friendship has brought us. Aho

Comment from Windy Boy

As a Feather is designed to keep a bird aloft and protected, so is the Spiritual Path of Life.  To believe and follow the teachings of the guides is a Life Choice Path.  Fly the Path of your Heart, for IF you listen to it and make the right choices you can fly high and soar on the Winds Of Time.  Hugs to my Fine Feathered Friend.  Jimmy Little Big Wind