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Do you ever wonder if anyone really hears you?  Do you ever wonder if anyone ever really sees you? When someone touches you, do they really feel you?  I often wonder and think about the words people say to me. I hear the words "I love you" and wonder why it is used in so many ways.  It seems to have so many meanings, you are at times left to figure out what it is.  Sometimes it takes a lifetime for people to understand the true meaning of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Respect.  I believe the saddest thing in this life is to be Missunderstood.  Some people are truly blessed when they find someone, who takes the time to really get to know them.  Bless all the Friends and Family and Strangers that have shared my life's journey with me. My Native Path is a Blessing you see, you have walked a short distance with me, in my Heart you will always be. AHO