An Introduction From a Friend

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This entry is not from Little Falling Feather herself, but that of her friend, Brenda. I too, have Native American blood coursing through my veins. My father is Kiowa / Choctaw, and my Mother has Blackfoot within her family from several generations ago. Yep, you can see where that mixture is going! Uhhuh, a walking talking oxymoron! I never did fully understood what made me tick. Why I do and say the things I do, or why I feel the way I feel at times. On one arm I carry a love for life, and upon the other an appreciation for the world around me. It wasn't until over a decade ago, that Little Falling Feather herself said, "It's your Native Side!" Should I throw in the little part about being a wise cracking, sarcastic smart ass at times? --That's the Irish! Heh!

Now, this entry isn't about me, but that of my friend, and the author of this Blog. A very beautiful, special woman who has warmed my heart, and has taught me much. With that aside, time for me to table the mushy--gushy--sappy--crap. Yeah, I have a sentimental side in regard to my friendship with Little Falling Feather. She's actually a wise cracking, smart ass, spit herself. You can't help but love the woman. She has such a gentle disposition. However, there's that ornery side that says, "I'm a force to be reckoned with!" And yeah, she truly is. As an old adage states, "Big surprises come in small packages," the woman is a living testimony to those very words.

For some odd ball reason, when you pair the two of us together, we bring out the fire within our friendship. We turn into a couple crazy broads that will cause one of two reactions from those around us. They either are repelled and steer clear (good, get the hell out of our way!), Or, people are drawn to our friendship out of shear curiosity.

No, we're not a couple love struck lesbians, so get that out of your heads! (Fricken Pervs!)

Nope, Little Falling Feather is more than a friend, she is now my sister. Sister at heart, sister in spirit, and sister by tribal affiliation (blood). I hope that you enjoy her written content. She does have such a wonderful way with words. By the way, the woman writes extremely beautiful poetry.

When you hear the whispers on the wind......

She'll finish the rest, as that's hers. :)

Here's to a wonderful, beautiful, remarkable woman: Little Falling Feather.